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Wind power still gets lower public subsidies than fossil fuel tax breaks

"Financial support for renewable energy under attack as gas, oil and coal still subsidised to far greater extent, new data shows"

Category: Energy sources


Pollution row after minister deems air quality goals too costly

"Caroline Spelman dismisses MPs' committee advice saying costs of meeting EU pollution goals do not match benefits"


Climate change will shake the Earth

"A changing climate isn't just about floods, droughts and heatwaves. It brings erupting volcanoes and catastrophic earthquakes too"

Category: Climate Change


Peter Gleick on leave from Pacific Institute over Heartland leak

"Climate scientist on temporary leave of absence while investigated over leak of Heartland Institute documents"

Category: Climate Change


EU tar sands pollution vote ends in deadlock

"Decision on whether to label oil produced from tar sands as highly polluting is delayed as key vote fails to find majority"

Displaying results 336 to 340 out of 2977